Packaging a spring-boot application for distribution
But how
Over the last couple of weeks i built a little web application which allows for downloading files to a server. think headless version of jdownloader. because i wanted to try out some stuff like spring-boot,reactor,webcomponents, papyrus, websockets. and because i had use for a headless version of jdownloader.
Anyway, it’s ready now for installation, and i want to package the application jar along with a script which allows it to run as a service and an external config file.
But it turns out, imho, there is no really clean and portable way of doing so.
So i am going to do this with docker. which seems to be the hip way to do it nowadays anyway.
And it turns out, there are even docker plugins for maven and gradle which let you build an docker image from a Dockerfile. Yay!
As you see, this is really easy to accomplish, and as a bonus you get to control the environment your app is deployed in.
which translates for me to: Java 8 anywhere :)
Deploying to any major PaaS provider should theoretically work too.
What it looked like
add this to build.gradle
buildscript {
dependencies {
apply plugin: 'docker'
group = 'somehost:5000' //your docker registry location
task buildDocker(type: Docker, dependsOn: build) {
push = true
applicationName = jar.baseName
dockerfile = file('src/main/docker/Dockerfile')
doFirst {
copy {
from jar
into stageDir
and the Dockerfile for my application lives ins src/main/docker/
and looks like this :
FROM jeanblanchard/busybox-java:8
ADD getdown-app-springboot.jar app.jar
RUN touch /app.jar
CMD mkdir /media
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]